Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rachael Ray

Photo take from
Why Rachael Ray?
     I love Rachael Ray so much we can't even say her name in our house because when we hear it we all start salivating and running around the kitchen in circles. (Well, me and the dogs, not Cathy). I started watching her TV show when we were packing up the house to move to Virginia. It was a great escape from the reality of putting our whole lives in boxes and preparing to leave everything we knew behind. There's a certain point in her show where she has "Rachael Ray Snack Time" and she gives the audience a snack. So - I starting giving our beagles a milk bone (and myself a cookie) and saying out loud, "It's Rachael Ray Snack Time".  Well, that stuck.  Now the beagles think Rachael Ray is the way we say Milk Bone and if we say her name - they all run to the kitchen (and I want a cookie).  So - in our house we call her RR.

I have several 30 minute meal books and know many of her recipes (including my beloved "Sloppy Joaquins") by heart.  I used to get her magazine (until last year when I was forced to decide getting a monthly magazine about food was not helping my weight loss journey) and I use her cookware, knives and bowls.  Someday she may want those back....anyway.....Who wouldn't like Rachael Ray - she's fun, she's down-to-earth, and she's talented. Best of all - she makes things easy. 

Where would we eat?
   Rachel's fun, no-fuss and casual demeanor would make me pretty comfortable. She also likes sandwiches (which she calls "sammies") a lot. So I think we'd go to Firehouse Subs - its a fun, casual place.  Because she loves dessert but claims she can't make them-- we would drop by Babycakes Bakery on Cary Street for some awesome cupcakes.

What would I wear? 
    It snowed again today, so most likely jeans, my Pittsburgh Steeler hoodie and sneakers. That's one of the nice things about RR - she's "come as you are". 

What would I order?
       At Firehouse - I would order the Smokehouse Beef and Cheddar Brisket on Wheat, Baked Lays and a Pepsi (or coke - whatever is brown and carbonated).  At Babycakes...I would have a cocoa mint cupcake with mint buttercream frosting. 

What would I ask her or say to her?
    1.   I would tell her thanks for making cooking such an easy thing. Her recipes helped me branch out from the "same 6 recipes" my mother taught me because they were so easy to do.  Julia Child type cookbooks were always too advanced, and Martha Stewart gives me the creeps (I truly believe her pine cone table displays may be one of the signs of the apocalypse) - but Rachael's style and ease made adventurous cooking a breeze.

     2.  I would comment on her charity work - both the "Yum-O" foundation which feeds hungry kids and works to teach families how to eat and relate to food in a healthy way - and her "Rachael's Rescue" which works to help pets and is funded by her line of dog food and snacks. I would work really hard not to mention "Milk Bone" during the discussion.

     3.  I would ask how she deals with all her critics. Whether its people making fun of her super-perky happy attitude, or noted food critics who constantly deride her simple style and the fact she uses words like "pinch, half a palm-full, chunk or slab" instead of measurements, or criticism that she's just another Oprah-sponsored fame hound like Dr. Phil - a lot of people criticise her. Yet, her interviews and work remain positive and productive.

 What would she ask or say to me?

1.   She would get very serious, put her hand on her chin, mist over and say, "People make fun of me? Really?" and look down.  I would feel horrible for bringing it up and offer her a handful of Baked Lays as comfort.  Then she would laugh and say "GOTCHA!"  and I would take my chips back.  I think she'd tell me there wasn't anything wrong with being happy - and maybe we don't place enough attention or value on the good things in life.

 2.  I think she'd affirm that when it comes to dealing with other chefs, critics and media personalities that all she can be is herself. She frequently comments she has no formal cooking training and doesn't try to be anything she's not.  If people don't like who she is or they way she does things - they can go their own way. Being genuine is a key to a happy and healthy life.

3.   I think she would mention the fine line she walks between comfort food and healthy food. In a country struggling with obesity, she's very conscious of the need to eat healthier and use snacks as "occasional" - not the every day stuff of life. Balance is a key in her cooking and view of food and helps us all the enjoy the best of health, and the infrequent but amazing pulled-pork sammie.

Topics of conversation I would avoid?
   Dunkin Donuts, Anthony Bourdain, the fact I have never in my life been able to make a 30 minute meal in 30 minutes.

Topics of conversation she would avoid?
     The fact I keep drooling and looking for cookies every time her name is mentioned or the day I nearly hacked off a limb trying to use the Rachael Ray Knife Sharpener because I was holding it upside down. 

Who would pay?
      We would arm wrestle for the check. I'm not gonna tell you who would win - but lets just say - I'm stronger than I look.  At Babycakes, she would hold my box of take-home cupcakes and let me pay.

Last thing I would say to her?
     "Thanks for affirming the power of joy."

Last this she would say to me?
     "I snuck the cupcakes out of your box while you were paying. Enjoy your empty wrappers!"

Join me on Wednesday when my lunch guest will be Batman.  (yes, really. Batman).

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