Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Nicole Kidman

Image taken from:
 Why Nicole?
     Cathy and I were walking through a grocery store one day when "Sweet Thing" by Keith Urban came on the overhead speaker and I began to sing along. I turned to Cathy all smiles and said, "I like Keith Urban." To which Cathy laughed loudly, rolled her eyes and said, "You like Keith Urban's wife!".   And who doesn't?! There are a million reasons to like Nicole Kidman. She's smart, sexy, funny, and in interviews & life seemingly very real and down to earth.  I liked her long before she was married to Keith Urban - because her performances had such talent and passion. The first movie I saw her in was "Flirting" when she and Naomi Watts (note to self: schedule future lunch date with Naomi Watts) were just starting out. I knew I was always going to love her in the movies after "To Die For" - her comedic, interesting turn as the narcissistic weather girl Suzanne Stone. She takes risks with her movies - has a range from serious drama (The Hours) to comedy (Bewitched), musicals (Moulin Rouge! and Nine) and she starred in a Batman movie (Batman Forever). She has a reputation for speaking plainly but truthfully. Her famous comment after filming the notoriously troubled "Stepford Wives" was "It is a comedy, we hope."  Best of all - she is the goodwill ambassador for UNIFEM (Now UN Women) and tirelessly advocates for the rights of women internationally - focusing on the issue of violence against women.

For the above picture I tried to find one that was just a natural/every-day shot - but she looked more glamorous in each picture I came across so I picked that one. We will just have to accept her hotness for what it is.

Where would we eat?
    I think we should go some place classy, but out of the way. She reportedly hates sun and is very shy so a dark, quiet venue would be nice.  We would go to the Old Original Bookbinders downtown.

What would I wear? 
    Still cold, and possibly snowing - A pair of black slacks, blouse and over-sweater would do nicely. I'd make sure to polish my usually smudgy glasses so I could actually make eye contact with her.

What would I order?
       I would order the Jumbo Lump Crab Cake (served with remoulade and Chinese pepper sauce), a Caesar salad to push around while we waited for the entree, and a glass of Whitehaven, Sauvignon Blanc from Australia just to honor her home country. I would decline desert - as Nicole doesn't look like she gets to eat many goodies on her diet.

What would I ask her or say to her?

  1.      I would tell her I'm sorry to hear about the horrible flooding in Australia and all the loss and sorrow it has caused.  I'd mention her work for UNIFEM and how important it is for women with her status to speak out for women with no status.
  2.      I would tell her that she is number 2 on my all time list of Batman's girlfriends (Kim Basinger as Vicky Vale being number 1) - and work really hard not to mention Katie Holmes was one of Batman's girlfriends -- not just because it would be rude to Nicole -but because I really try to block out her presence and horrible acting in that movie altogether. I'd also mention "The Hours" is a movie that reached to me in ways movies normally don't and brought Virginia Wolfe out of the 2 dimensional pages of a history book and into the world of my understanding. (I'd also mention I loved that fake nose and ask her what happened to it).
  3.      I would tell her that "Birth" was the creepiest movie I had ever seen in my life and it traumatized me, and "Dogville" gave me a nervous twitch that lasted through a weekend - but would affirm that they were both risks and even when a risk doesn't work its worth taking. I would also note I was very sorry the rest of "His Dark Materials" trilogy wasn't made because she was awesome and scary as Mrs. Coulter.
 What would she ask or say to me?
  1.      She would tell me through her adorable accent, in the most classy way possible, that while I was staring at her I managed to drop a significant amount of crab cake on my sweater and I should probably rinse it in cold water when I got home.
  2.      She would talk about her trip to Haiti after the earthquake and describe the devastation she saw there in the lives of women and girls. She would talk about her many UNIFEM experiences and how important it is for all women to make a stand for one another, no matter what our station or whereabouts.  Even the waitress would be touched and wipe a tear away from her eye as she brought the desert menu.
  3.      I think she would affirm that taking risks isn't just part of acting - its part of life. She dropped out of high school at 17 and took a job as a massage therapist to help her family because her mom was being treated for breast cancer. She accepted movies that set her against type to grow and learn new things. She loved and lost and loved again - understanding that risk is an essential element to joy. I think she would be quite inspiring.
Topics of conversation I would avoid?
      Tom Cruise - I'd even avoid the words - such as not saying the phrases  "Have you heard, Pakistan has a cruise missile" or "I rarely think about Tomorrow."  I'd probably even avoid tomatoes in my salad. 

Topics of conversation she would avoid?
     Tom Cruise. (she doesn't seem to want to talk about him any more than the rest of us).

Who would pay?
      She would. I'd offer to split it and she'd say, "Nonsense. I made 12 million for a 3 minute commercial for Chanel #5, and you comics."  I would reluctantly agree but be very thankful. 

Last thing I would say to her?
    "Stay Classy, Nicole."

Last this she would say to me?
     "Don't forget to wash out that sweater. Just a little cold water and gentle soap - that should do the trick."

Join me on Saturday when my lunch guest will be Rachel Ray


  1. That is so funny! You made me laugh out loud, yes I know, you heard me but....!!!! :)

  2. I think YOU like Keith Urban's wife too!

  3. This concept is SOOOOO creative! What a wonderful way to be a spider on the wall while you feast with your favorite fems!

    You make me laugh, think, wish, reflect and laugh again! Thanks Kellie! Will take you up on giving some suggestions a little later on

  4. Thanks so much, Luz. I'm sure you'll have some great suggestions!
